Network sharing module
Welcome to the Artiheba online store
Our plans
In this category you will find all our different plans. To benefit from them you must first acquire the license number from cbteos which is the only organization that issues them.
Our platforms
In this category, you will find access to our platforms in packs. You can indeed, according to your needs, subscribe only to the platform you need, without having to pay for platforms that are not useful for your activities.
In this category, you will find all the application modules designed to fill your different platforms in a single click. Build your own personalized platform, by adding on your pages the solution that will best illustrate your content.
Welcome to the Artiheba online store
In this category, we offer you all our software that will manage for you all the mandatory administrative tasks in the management of a company. All these software have been studied to comply with the different legislations in force.
In this category, we offer you all our software that will manage for you all the mandatory administrative tasks in the management of a company. All these software have been studied to comply with the different legislations in force.
In this section, you will find tools that allow you to get in touch with our IT specialists for the development of software specific to your activity. You will have the possibility to be the sole owner or rent the license from us and be paid.
Welcome to the Artiheba online store
Mail Omega
In this category you will find the protocol to obtain your Omega Mail address with Vinci Card lock in order to eliminate phishing and Spam by identifying the author. Omega mails in addition to innovations are also eco-responsible.
In this category, you will find the cbteos payment solution which is much more than a means of payment. We have studied cbteos in order to secure their users as much as possible, but also to respond to additional services that enrich its use.
In this category, you will find access to our eco-responsible advertising agency Moozart. If advertising is one of the means that will allow some of our users to live off their content, it is rewarding that the latter is eco-responsible.
XXXXX, ZZZZZ, Artilisa, Istelaart, Cazioop, Higher Language Form, Apeepi, Moozart, ⊆bteos, Atrax, Parallax, Vertex, Artiheba, Sumerian Blog, Mail Omega, Matrix Forum, Naos, Zaüber Store, Carmaaten, Mesopotamia Editor, Missaticus, Vinci Card, Green Code, XXXXX, ZZZZZ, Artilisa, Istelaart, Cazioop, Higher Language Form, Apeepi, Moozart, ⊆bteos, Atrax, Parallax, Vertex, Artiheba, Sumerian Blog, Mail Omega, Matrix Forum, Naos, Zaüber Store, Carmaaten, Mesopotamia Editor, Missaticus, Vinci Card, Green Code
Artilisa, Apeepi, Artiheba, Sumerian Blog, Matrix Forum, Naos, Zaüber Store, Mail Omega, Vinci Card, Mesopotamia Editor, Missaticus | Artilisa, Apeepi, Artiheba, Sumerian Blog, Matrix Forum, Naos, Zaüber Store, Mail Omega, Vinci Card, Mesopotamia Editor, Missaticus
Easy e-commerce creation | Création facile D'e-commerces
Traders, craftsmen, professionals, luxury, culture, sports, hobbies | Commerçants, artisans, professionnels, luxe, culture, sports, loisirs
Knowledge Operating Educative Matrix (Artificial intelligence) | Matrice éducative opérationnelle des connaissances (Intelligence artificielle)
Atrax anchor, Vertex vectors, Parallax correction, ⊆bteos payment, secure data | Ancrage Atrax, Vecteurs de sommet Vertex, Correction par parallaxe, Paiement ⊆bteb, Données sécurisées Vinci Card
This content management software allows you to create an online store with private source codes. It allows e-commerce creators to have source codes guaranteed by a single company. Greater freedom, greater responsiveness, better service after sales. Our platform is ideal for professionals who do not wish to see their turnover impacted following technological problems. All our sources codes are measured and we locate any problem in 5 minutes of hand surveillance | Ce logiciel de gestion de contenu vous permet de créer une boutique en ligne avec des codes source privés. Il permet aux créateurs de commerce électronique d'avoir des codes source garantis par une seule entreprise. Une plus grande liberté, une plus grande réactivité, un meilleur service après les ventes. Notre plateforme est idéale pour les professionnels qui ne souhaitent pas voir leurs chiffres d'affaires impactés suite à des problèmes technologiques. Tous nos codes de sources sont mesurés et nous localisons tout problème en 5 minutes de surveillance des mains